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[+] Post Title :

Night Club Cheat EXP n Money

[+] Date : Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010
[+] Author : rozi inside
[+] Link :
[+] Type :

Tools (download tools in the download section):

  • Charles Web Debugging
  • Firefox

Steps :
  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter Nightclub City [play now]
  3. In Charles, you will see the line ''
  4. Expand it > Expand 'user'
  5. You will see the line 'getUser'
  6. Right click and select Breakpoints
  7. Reload NightClub City
  8. Game will freeze and a breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
  9. Click Execute once and you will see an Edit Response Tab.
  10. Click that, click Text.
  11. Change 'totalMoney' for EXP to any value you want
  12. Change 'money' for Money to any value you want
  13. Go back to the Session tab, Right click 'getUser' and select Breapoints again to remove it.
  14. Go back to the Breakpoint tab, click Execute.
  15. Game will load with your new level and coins.
  16. Decorate it with items then SAVE the game. Play with it for a while to ensure the game is saved.

Credit: pwnthis, xiete1807,InSide Army

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Komentar anda Hanyalah Sebagian Dari Kritikan Anda
Dan tidak lebih, NOT SARA , NOT Burn....
Komentar lah dengan baik dan sopan.. maka saya akan
baik kepada anda....

"[R]ozi inSide]