[+] Post Title :
[+] Date : Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010
[+] Author : rozi inside
[+] Link : https://datalunars.blogspot.com/2010/08/night-club-cheat-exp-n-money.html
[+] Type : Nightclub FB game
Night Club Cheat EXP n Money
[+] Date : Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010
[+] Author : rozi inside
[+] Link : https://datalunars.blogspot.com/2010/08/night-club-cheat-exp-n-money.html
[+] Type : Nightclub FB game
- Charles Web Debugging
- Firefox
Steps :
- Open Charles
- Enter Nightclub City [play now]
- In Charles, you will see the line 'http://dynamic00.nightclub-city.com'
- Expand it > Expand 'user'
- You will see the line 'getUser'
- Right click and select Breakpoints
- Reload NightClub City
- Game will freeze and a breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
- Click Execute once and you will see an Edit Response Tab.
- Click that, click Text.
- Change 'totalMoney' for EXP to any value you want
- Change 'money' for Money to any value you want
- Go back to the Session tab, Right click 'getUser' and select Breapoints again to remove it.
- Go back to the Breakpoint tab, click Execute.
- Game will load with your new level and coins.
- Decorate it with items then SAVE the game. Play with it for a while to ensure the game is saved.
Credit: pwnthis, xiete1807,InSide Army
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Komentar anda Hanyalah Sebagian Dari Kritikan Anda
Dan tidak lebih, NOT SARA , NOT Burn....
Komentar lah dengan baik dan sopan.. maka saya akan
baik kepada anda....
"[R]ozi inSide]